The attached testimony was placed into the record (along with my transcripted extemporaneous presentation). As in the Queens hearings, Bloomberg's mayoral control "support" and/or "tweak" forces were out in large numbers and Klein, Wolcott & Co. spoke and responded for the first 2.5 hours. A significant part of Bloombergs forces are Black Charter School Parents & students. This was just like during the term limit hearings. At most, they represent about 5% of the Black & Latina/o public school student population. Campaign for Better Schools, Geoff Canada and Hazel Dukes, had "Democracy Academy" youth in tow, as they gave long and strong support to "keeping" or to "tweaking". However, one especially critical thinking Democ. Acad. student countered his schoolmates with convincing testimony in opposition to mayoral control. Yesterday the supporters of MC were about 95% of the vocal, organized presence. Many in opposition were later arriving and never got in. Those of us in opposition to MC must have a much larger / stronger showing in the hearings in the Bronx (3/13, Lehman College) and Brooklyn (3/20, NYC Tech); and beyond. Therefore our day-to-day ORGANIZING must improve.
There are huge numbers of our students and Black and Latina/o parents whose interests and voices must be placed "on centerstage". We have work to do with parents, students and legislators.
We have two "seminars" on opposition to mayoral control in Albany in 1 week, Saturday, 2/14. We need both "newer" and veteran activist parents and students joining us on that lobbying effort. More importantly, as we build / expand our two coalitions in opposition to Mayoral Control to 100 groups, we must also engage and recruit prospective parents, students, and community folk to join us in getting organized.
Download Testimony Here!
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