Cost: FREE
Refreshments: Breakfast will be served.
Time: 9:00am-12:00pm
Day & Date: Tuesday, March 24, 2009
QUEENS LIBRARY at Langston Hughes
100-01 Northern Blvd.
Corona, NY 11368
Directions: to Queens Library
Information: More information is provided in the Conference Flyer located in the CSH Flyer Depot.
Open to local community leaders, service providers, elected officials, media and residents
- In order to comply with site security regulations, registration is required.
- Register by Friday, March 20, 2009:
- Online: www.nyc.gov/health/tb or email:tbfreenyc@gmail.com
- Seating is limited
For more information call 212-442-9945
Forum Highlights:
- Moderated by Bill Bower, MPH- Charles P. Felton National TB Center @ Harlem Hospital
- World TB Day Opening Remarks by Peter Baldini- World Lung Foundation
- The Face of TB in NYC presented by Dr. Chrispin Kambili- Bureau of Tuberculosis Control, NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
- Moving Towards a TB-Free NYC presented by special guest speakers from local community organizations
- Learn basic tuberculosis concepts
- Discuss the current status of TB in New York City
- Explore ways to stop TB at the community level
- The Coalition for a TB-Free NYC
- Assemblyman José R. Peralta
- Urban Health Plan, Inc.
- The World Lung Foundation and TD Bank
- African Services Committee
- American Lung Association of NY
- Bellevue Hospital Center
- Center for Immigrant Health
- Kings County Hospital Center
- NYC Bureau of TB Control (NYC DOHMH)
- NYC Department of Homeless Services
- NYC East and Central Harlem District Public Health Office (NYC DOHMH)
- NYC Office of Correctional Public Health (NYC DOHMH)
- NYS Bureau of Refugee and Immigrant Assistance
- NYS Bureau of TB Control (NYS DOH)
- Plaza Del Sol Family Health Center (Urban Health Plan, Inc.)
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