Time: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Day: Saturday, October 10, 2009
Cost: Free
Note: Flyer can be downloaded from the CSH Flyer Depot here.
Food: Continental Breakfast & Lunch
- Online here or click on the Registration Button in the right panel.
- By Telephone: 646-355-8813 [Leave Name (Spell), Contact Telephone Number & Email Address (If you have one)]
Countee Cullen Community Center
242 West 144th Street
New York, NY 10030
The Coalition to Save Harlem is hosting an event in the Village of Harlem titled - Housing in Harlem "Speak Out": Housing is a Human Right!
The event program will be interactive and provide an open Community Forum for Harlem Residents to obtain information, have discussions, network and ask questions about Governmental Policies that affect Housing in the Village of Harlem.
There will also be Community Discussion about preparation for the United Nations Housing Rapporteur's visit to the Village of Harlem later this year.
Program Goals
- To provide an open Community Forum for Harlem Residents to obtain information, discuss, ask questions and hear solutions about Governmental Policies that affect Housing in the Village of Harlem.
- To build a broad based housing movement that increases and improves participatory democracy on all levels of Housing issues.
- To mobilize a core group of Harlem Residents to collaborate and write testimony that will be submitted during the hearings on housing that will be held by the United Nations Housing Rapporteur later in the year.
- To alert Harlem Residents to recent and pending legislation that will affect housing in the Village of Harlem.
- To be a catalyst for Harlem Residents to get involved in preserving their Village.
- BUS:
M2, M10, M15 (On M15 disembark at either Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd. or Frederick Douglass Blvd. and walk 1 block south to 144th St.) - TRAIN:
IRT #3 to 145th St. & Malcolm X Blvd (Walk 1 block West and 1 block south to 144th St.)
IND A,B,C,D to 145th St & St. Nicholas Ave. (Walk 3 blocks East and 1 block south to 144th St.)
IRT #1 to 145th St & Broadway (Walk 6 blocks East and 1 block south to 144th St.)
Email: HousingInHarlem@gmail.com
Telephone: 646-355-8813
Event Twitter: @HousingInHarlem [Hashtag #HIH09]

Lincolnton Station P.O. box 737 New York, NY 10037
Telephone: 646-355-8813 Fax: 718-670-3230
Email: Contact.Coalition2SaveHarlem@gmail.com
Twitter: @HarlemCoalition
Blog Site: CoalitionToSaveHarlem.blogspot.com