New York City Council Member Charles Baron has been the voice of the powerless (non-connected) throughout New York City. He has taken many "hits" for his positions on issues that affect those who have not been able to bring these same issues to the forefront even after reaching out to their own Council Representatives. Because of his concern and intervention for all the powerless and disenfranchised residents of New York City Council, Member Barron has become the Peoples' Council Member who speaks “Truth to Power”.
When it came to the surprise "Rezoning of 125th Street", Council Members Charles Barron and Tony Avella were the only Council Members who came out and listened to the Harlem Community at forums and one on one.
What You Can Do
If you want to support Council Member Barron's efforts,
- Remember to call both the Legislative (L) and District (D) Offices of your Council Members by tomorrow morning, Wednesday, January 6, 2010 and make it known that you support Council Member Barron to be the new Speaker. The NYC Council Vote for Speaker is scheduled for 12 Noon, Wednesday, January 6, 2010 at the Stated Meeting in the City Council Chambers in City Hall. Contact Numbers are below. Harlem Council Members are in Bold and Red.
- Show your support by "Packing the Chamber" at City Hall. Operation Power requests that you be present by 11:30 A.M.
It’s not too late!!!
Press Conference
Also, Several Organizations and Individuals* held a Press Conference on Wednesday, December 30, 2009 to support New York City Council Member Charles Barron in his efforts to unseat the present Speaker of the NYC Council Christine Quinn and to challenge the reported call by the present Speaker of the NYC Council Christine Quinn to remove Council Member Charles Baron as Chairperson of the Higher Education Committee. Pictures of the event are noted below. (Photos by Bud Korotzer of Next Left Notes)
What is at Stake?
The Speaker determines
- Equitable distribution of capital and expenses for Council Members
- Development of a system for Council Members to control the legislative process.
- Development of a system that gives Council Members control over the selection of Committee Chairs and Council Member Committee assignments
- Reforming the process governing the budget negotiations with the Mayor
- Committee Chairs should have the final decision in hiring Committee Staff, Counsel and Policy Analysts.
The Speaker determines
- Determines the selection of Chairs to Committees.
- Determines how much capital and expense funds each Council Member will receive for their districts
- Determines whether a Council Member’s legislation will be drafted.
- Controls the budget negotiations process with the Mayor (with superficial input from City Council Members)
Contact Telephone Numbers
Kings County
Kings County
- Diana Reyna, - 34th District- (L) 212-7888-7095, (D) 718-963-3141
- Letitia James, - 35th District- (L) 212-788-7081, (D) 718-260-9191
- Albert Vann, - 36th. District- (L) (212) 788-7364, (D) (718) 919-0740
- Erik Martin-Dilan, - 37th District-(L) (212) -788-7284, (D) (718) 718-642-8664
- Sara Gonzalez, - 38th District-(L) 212-788-7272, (D) (718) 439-9012
- Mathieu Eugene, - 40th District- (L) 212-788-7352, (D) 718-287-8762
- Darlene Mealy, - 41st District-(L) 212-788-6957, (D) 718) 954-3097
- Charles Barron, - 42nd District- (212) 788-6957, (D) 718-649-9495
- Jumaane Williams, - 45th District- (L) 212-788-6859
Deborah L. Rose, - 49th. District, (L) 212-788-6972
* Supporters of December 30th, 2009 Press Conference: The Peoples Attorney, Alton Maddox, Viola Plummer, Norman Seabrook, Brenda Stokely of MWM, Rev. Sharpton, Rev. Daughtry, Dr. James McIntosh of C.E.M.O.T.A.P., Omawale Clay of D12, A T Mitchell of Hip Hop SUV, Operation POWER, Bail out the People Movement, and many others.
Thank you to all who provided the information for this posting.
- Peter A. Koo, - 20th District- (L) 212-788-7022
- Julissa Ferreras, - 21st District-(L) 212-788-6862, (D) (718) 651-1917
- Leroy Comrie, - 27th. District (L) 212) 788-7084, (D) 718-776-3700
- Thomas White Jr., - 28th District (L) (212) 788-6850, (D) (718) 843-0792
- James Sanders Jr., - 31st District (L) (212) 788-7216, (D) (718) 527-4356
- Margaret S. Chin, - 1st. District, (L) 212-788-7722
- Rosie Mendez, - 2nd District, (L) 212-788-7366, (D) 212-677-1077
- Robert Jackson, - 7th. District, (L) (212) 788-6960, (D) 212-928-1322
- Melissa Mark Viverito, - 8th District, (D) 212-788-6960, (212) 678-9800
- Inez Dickens, - 9th District, (D) 212-788-7397, (D) 212-678-4505
- Ydanis A. Rodrigues, - 10th District, (L) 212-788-7053, (D) 917-521-2616
- Larry Seabrook, - 12th District, (L) (212) 788-6873, (D) (718) 994-9900
- Fernado Cabrera, - 14th District, (L) 212-788-7074
- Joel Rivera, - 15th District, (L) (212) 788-6966, (D) 718-842-8100
- Helen Diane Foster, - 16th District- (L) (212) 788-6856, (D) ( 718) 588-7500
- Maria Del Carmen Arroyo, - 17th District- (L) (212) 788-7384, (718) 402-6130
- Annabel Palma, - 18th District- (L) (212) 788-6853, (D) (718) 792-1140
Deborah L. Rose, - 49th. District, (L) 212-788-6972
* Supporters of December 30th, 2009 Press Conference: The Peoples Attorney, Alton Maddox, Viola Plummer, Norman Seabrook, Brenda Stokely of MWM, Rev. Sharpton, Rev. Daughtry, Dr. James McIntosh of C.E.M.O.T.A.P., Omawale Clay of D12, A T Mitchell of Hip Hop SUV, Operation POWER, Bail out the People Movement, and many others.
Thank you to all who provided the information for this posting.