Event: Get on the Bus! MTA public hearing on Thursday, March 4th, 2010
Time: 4:30 pm (Pick Up)[Return at 9 pm]
Date & Time: Thursday, March 4th, 2010
Reserve Space: RSVP your place NOW and contact
James Burke @ burke@weact.org or 347-465-8488 OR
Charles Callaway @ charles@weact.org or 347-465-8492
Bus to take Harlem residents to the MTA hearing on March 4th
Sponsored By: WE ACT and the TWU Local 100
Adam Clayton Powell State Office Building
(163 west 125 Street on the Plaza)
More Information:
Room on the bus for 50 passengers
James Burke
WE ACT for Environmental Justice
Telephone: 347-465-8488
Email: burke@weact.org
Charles CallawayCommunity
WE ACT for Environmental Justice
Telephone: 347-465-8492
Email: charles@weact.org
Website: WeAct.org