Regent Adelaide Sanford |
ACTION: Visit 52nd Precinct in the Bronx
Time: 3:00 P.M.
Day & Date: Sunday, March 28, 2010
52nd Precinct
3016 Webster Ave
Bronx, N. Y.
Contact: 917- 282-8932 for additional information
NEWS RELEASE: Son and Grandson of Vice Chancellor Emerita, Adelaide Sanford Brutalized by the Police
When David Sanford, Dean at Benjamin Banneker High School in Brooklyn, accompanied the school basketball team to Lehman College in the Bronx,on March 14 to a playoff game, he had no idea that he would end up being beaten handcuffed, arrested and jailed in the 52nd precinct, located at 3016 Webster Ave, Bronx, NY. His crime was attempting to get his students safely to the bus to return back to Brooklyn. “Following the end of the game students from the winning team, Bedford Academy were taunting my students. Apparently the school safety officers became overly excited and began pushing everyone out of the area. The incident did not require such harsh action” Sanford said.
Dean Sanford, the son of Dr. Adelaide Sanford, Vice Chancellor Emerita of the New York State Board of Regents, was punched in the face by an irate cop as he attempted to safe guard his students. Said Sanford, "I asked the cop did you punch me, and he said "you damn right I did" The next thing that I knew I was slammed to the ground, beaten and kneed as several cops piled on top of me. I was unable to breathe and asked that they get off of me. I was then thrown into the back of the police car and driven to the 52 pct." he continued. Sanford's son who accompanied the group also sustained an injury to his face.
Sandford said that the efforts by the principal and the students fell on deaf ears as they attempted to convince the police that he, Sanford, was trying to bring the excitement level under control. In spite of never having had any brush with the law throughout his life, Sanford indicated that he was more concerned with the safety of his students than for himself.
Many of the students were traumatized by the incident. Sanford indicated that "my son was supposed to return to his university in Buffalo, New York, later that night, but could not do so for several days because he was so upset.
Sanford who was charged with disorderly conduct. explained “I was fearful for my life. I know what often happens to Black men who are arrested in a precinct, many end up dead.” Friends and supporters will visit the 52nd pct. located at 3016 Webster Ave Bronx, N. Y. on Sunday, March 28th at 3:P.M. The community is urged to join with them. "It is apparent that this kind of police behavior is common in the Bronx," said Betty Dopson, CEMOTAP co-chair, “after hearing Dean Sanford’s story , If there was disorderly conduct, it was on the part of the police."
Call: 917 282-8932 for additional information.