Time: 11 AM to 3 PM
Day: Saturday, June 27, 2009
Flyer can be downloaded from the CSH Flyer Depot here.
Harriet Tubman School (PS 154)
250 W 127th Street
New York, NY 10027
The "Event: It's All About You - Summer 2009 - Harlem Youth Gathering" is a Youth Centered informational and educational event for Harlem Youth. The day's events will focus on providing Resources, a Job Fair and providing information about their Rights (when stopped by the police, information of school record, etc.).
Because a major goal of the event is to make it as youth centered as possible, there will be opportunities for youth who are positively impacting the Harlem community to share their experiences and organization's literature with those youth who are searching for ways to also perform positive actions in the community that lead to a better education, a sense of social responsibility and the development of effective leadership skills.
There will be sessions where the Youth will be able to do "hands on" conflict resolution, learn about alternatives to incarceration, and "green" jobs.
There will be information available on the Building Trades, Registering to Vote, Housing Rights and Legal Services.
Email: HarlemYouthGathering@gmail.com
Telephone: 718-512-8690

Lincolnton Station | P.O. box 737 | New York, NY 10037
Telephone: 718-512-8690 | Fax: 718-670-3230