NOTE: Akinlabi Mackall, Member of the Coalition to Save Harlem will be a Panel Speaker.
TIME: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
DAY & DATE: Wednesday | June 17, 2009
Oberia Dempsey Center
127 West 127th Street
New York, New York 10027
Download UPDATED flyer from the CSH Flyer Depot here.
- Train - 2 or 3 trains. Exit the 2 and 3 trains at 125th and Malcolm X Blvd (old Lenox Avenue) walk uptown to 127th Street, make a left on 127th Street and walk towards Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd ( old 7th Avenue).
- Bus - cross-town buses on 125th Street.Disembark at Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd or Malcolm X Blvd.
Email haarlemvictoria125@yahoo.com
The purpose of this very important and most needed gathering is to inform the community through a panel discussion about preserving the Victoria Theater for the benefit of the Harlem Community. HVRG has commitment letters for funds to develop the project. This will be the first time the Harlem Community has had a chance to be a part of a project of this magnitude ($100 Million).
The agenda will provide information on the Stimulus Package, economic development, tourism, education, culture, jobs (approximately 500 living wage positions) and training.
Harlem Victoria Restoration Group [HVRG]